Friday, May 20, 2016

Baeyer–Villiger oxidation - wiki

The Baeyer-Villiger oxidation (also called Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement) is an organic reaction that forms an ester from a ketone or a lactone from a cyclic ketone. Peroxyacids or peroxides are used as the oxidant. The reaction is named after Adolf Baeyer and Victor Villiger who first reported the reaction in 1899.

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer (German: [ˈbaɪɐ]; October 31, 1835 – August 20, 1917) was a Germanchemist who synthesized indigo, and was the 1905 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Victor Villiger (1 September 1868 – 10 June 1934) was a Swiss-born German chemist and the discoverer of the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation.

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